Teens need to have a positive outlet for stress and anxiety. It has been proven that physical training reduces stress and helps with a better night of sleep.

Students will learn the traditional Korean arts of Taekwondo and Hapkido. Punching, blocking, kicking as well as falling, and rolling are a part of every class. Hapkido offers close-quarters defense with joint locks and submissions.

We also practice situational awareness and conflict de-escalation. Learning how to recognize and avoid conflict is key to raising a confident teen.

With teenagers, this is a critical time in their lives, so we want to give them the internal strength to stand up for themselves and their beliefs. And we want to reduce the likelihood of them ever becoming a target of abuse of any kind!

All students will learn self-defense skills- beginning with conflict avoidance. Situational awareness is key to avoiding confrontation. If action is required then learning the appropriate response is important. We teach martial arts as a self-defense system, not as a sport. We cover solutions for stand-up and ground defense as well as dealing with multiple opponents.

Help your teens gain the discipline, focus, and confidence they will need as they head out on their own and are given more and more freedom. You get to be at peace knowing that your teens are making sound decisions and are aware of their surroundings.